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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 14, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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forstell is a p.e. teacher and worked as a substitute in the school district. >> that's really scary for me because my daughter comes to these schools here and i also have a son too. so that's scary for me. >> reporter: detectives from the sexual assault unit say their ongoing investigation into child pornography led them to f forstell's home. he was viewing and sharing the photos online and was not the one producing them. still, that doesn't comfort the parents, especially in a neighborhood full of children. >> i was really shocked. a lot of the kids -- there's a lot of kids around here. a lost lot of the kids used to come and play with him. >> reporter: both school districts in san jose and monterey county are confident no child porn was downloaded on their computers. the images were found on his home computer. nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, george. on this day, three months ago, was the tragedy in newtown,
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connecticut. those images are haunting. terrified children and grief-stricken families. some of those families traveled to the bay area today on a crusade to end gun violence. and the key might be in the silicon valley. nbc bay area cheryl hurd joins us from san francisco this evening where the families met with influential investors. cheryl. >> reporter: that's right, roj. silicon valley came here to san francisco to meet with victims of the sandy hook shooting. even though they are still in tremendous pain, they are determined to come up with answers to a huge problem. >> the sad fact of the matter is, the sandy hook incident got all of our attention as a national community. but unfortunately, these incidents are taking place every five minutes, every day. >> reporter: newark-based shot spotter uses technology to help police point where gunfire happens so police can respond faster to crime. innovations like this is what venture capitalists in silicon
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valley are looking for to help reduce crime. >> it's gratifying to know that after all the hard work we have put in, there is a national conversation going on about gun violence. >> reporter: that conversation took place in san francisco with members of the sandy hook promise. three families of the sandy hook elementary school shootings are in the bay area to talk about a partnership with the silicon valley companies that are working on ways to use technology to prevent another tragedy. more than 20 venture capitalists believe technology can lead the way. >> we can certainly turn our attention to innovating around safety. >> we need to create technology that allows us to visualize and measure brain functions in an affordable, accurate and an accessible manner. >> reporter: on this three-month anniversary of the shooting, families are still in tremendous pain. >> three months ago today on december 14th, i held his little hand as we walked to the bus.
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kissed him goodbye. for as you know, would be the last time. >> last friday would have been dylan's 7th birthday. >> reporter: but they are gratified that the it tech community is helping them work on a solution to a national problem. >> the role we can play is in addressing the problem of rampant gunfire that takes place across the country. >> reporter: those venture capitalists expect to raise a huge amount of money and they expect a lot more companies to join them in their fight against crime. reporting live in san francisco, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. we can connect you with the local organization trying to help end gun violence. just go to our website, nbc bay and search sandy hook. fireworks in the senate today during a hearing on gun control when freshman senator ted cruz of texas questioned veteran senator dianne feinstein's understanding of the constitution. >> i'm not a sixth grader.
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senator, i've been on this committee for 20 years. i was a mayor for nine years. i walked in, i saw people shot. it's fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. i appreciate it. do they need a bazooka? do they need other high-powered weapons that military people use to kill in close combat? i don't think so. so i come from a different place than you do. i respect your views. i ask you to respect my views. >> that heated exchange came in the middle of a debate over an assault weapons ban. in the end, the senate committee approved banning military-style assault weapons. that now heads to the full senate where it is not expected to pass. closer to home, police are investigating who shot and killed a man near the richmond b.a.r.t. station during the rush hour commute this evening. the man was pronounced dead near the mcdonald's at the 19th street entrance to the station. no one else was injured and so far there have been no arrests. an emotional outburst in
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court today. the suspect in a triple fatal crash in daly city broke down in tears. this is 28-year-old dennis demesado. today a very different picture when he sobbed in court. he did not enter a plea. the sunny vail resident is facing manslaughter. he faces more than 15 years behind bars. he's being held without bail at the san mateo county jail. search and rescue teams are looking for a missing south bay man who recently suffered a head injury. 20-year-old matthew abraham was last seen last night at his home on dobie lane in scotts valley. rescue teams spent the day searching near his home and also at the state park and u.c. santa cruz. his family says when they saw him last they talked about the observation deck at henry cal state park and hiking trails above ucsc.
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turning to the new leader of the catholic church only on the job some 24 hours, francis i is shifting to humility. he will not stray from conservative church doctrine. yet nimble and compassionate enough, they say, to reach out to developing worlds where the church is growing. and he has no ties to the recent church scandals. nbc's jay gray has more from rome on what's ahead for this pontiff. >> reporter: thursday, the cardinals gathered again in the sistine chapel. not to elect, but now to listen. celebrating his first papal mass, pope francis spoke casually, without notes. his message, like so much about him, simple and direct. he said the church must stay focused on the gospel and true to its roots, adding, quote, when one does not build on solid rocks, what happens is what
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happens to children on the beach when they make sand castles. everything collapses. he inherits a church that at times seems to be crumbling from within. wrecked by scandal and losing active members worldwide, catholic leaders say pope francis must find a way to clean up the corruption at the vatican and inspire the fateful. >> this is a man from the outside who is known for his honesty, his candor, sincerity, simplicity and running a well-oiled machine in one of the largest archdiocese of the world. i think he knew it. >> there is evidence of a new era in shops near the vatican. >> we came to purchase some photos of him. we are planning to send the pictures to our parents. >> reporter: instead of traveling to rome for his inauguration next tuesday, pope francis is asking followers to donate money to the poor. the same request he made when he was appointed by john paul ii as a cardinal. in rome, jay gray, nbc bay area news.
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some more -- how this pontiff will operate. the pope declined sitting in an elevated throne to receive the pledge of allegiance he rode the bus back to the residence rather than the limousine. and affectionately toasted the cardinals that elected him by saying, quote, "may god forgive you for what you have done." >> he'll probably be somewhere watching tv or sitting in a room by himself and what a lost life that would be. >> still ahead, a local artist now getting worldwide attention. how he's turning the one thing most people said that would make him fail into success. >> reporter: one of life's biggest mysteries has been solved. scientists say they have found the so-called god particle that makes the universe the way it is. that story coming up in a live report. and delivery on aisle 7. a mother looking for a deal gets something she didn't bargain for.
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it's happening again. another generator problem on a carnival cruise ship. 4,300 passengers on the carnival "legend" began heading to the airport instead of continuing their caribbean cruise. the ship is docked at san marteen. there were problems with elevators and rest rooms. carnival decided to fly the passengers home. last month, you might recall, an engine fire crippled another carnival cruise ship and left more than 4,000 passengers stranded for five days at sea. on land, a monumental discovery that's kind of hard to grasp.
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scientists believe they found what's known as the god particle, a sub atomic rock that gives mass to all other particles in the universe. it's big news. here's more. >> reporter: well, the theory is that the particle is what gives everything in the universe its mass, even all the way back to the big bang. it's been a theory for decades, but actually observing the particle has been impossible, because the technology didn't exist. until now. it's not a perfect analogy, but think of particles traveling through the universe as being motorcycles, lane-splitting through traffic. their travel depends on the traffic around them that slows them down or speeds them up. the traffic conditions can be seen as the massive particles that depend on resistance. marjorie shapiro is a professor of physics at cal berkeley and associated with the national laboratory. >> that amount of res as i say
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tans depends on how much they interact with the particles that basically are always around in space, and when they interact with the particles, if they interact a lot, they get big mass. if they interact a little, small masses. >> reporter: scientists rammed protons into each other. massive amounts of data are generated and in the data researchers found all the tell-tale signs of the hicks boson. how does this complicated research benefit mankind? >> the physicists didn't think it had any useful applications. but if we didn't know about quantum mechanics, we wouldn't have transistors, any devices we use that are incredibly useful. >> it's the missing piece to explain why people, planets and galaxies have mass. an important understanding for how the universe works. >> understanding the set of
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fundamental particles and the directions that exist is really an essential part of having a good model he of how the big bang happened. >> reporter: scientists saw the first signs of the particle back in july. their next step will be to see if there are different types of the particles. we're live in berkeley. nbc bay area news. president obama is heading back to the bay area next month. it will be his first visit here since his re-election. the white house confirming to us that mr. obama will be in northern california on april 3 already and 4th. he'll host several fund-raising events, including a $32,000 a plate brunch to benefit the democratic congressional campaign committee. the white house isn't releasing anymore specifics about the visit. an autistic man is getting international attention. not for his disorder, but for his paint brush. in fact, several people with developmental and physical challenges are finding new and beautiful ways to interact with the world.
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and it's happening in the east bay. here's nbc's kristen dahlgren with the story, new at 11:00. >> reporter: dean miller creates the type of art you could stare at for hours. layers of words in mesmerizing patterns. his pieces sell for thousands and are in collections of the world's great museums like new york's museum of modern art. but miller doesn't talk about his art. he can't. the 52-year-old is severely autistic. kara miller is dan's sister. >> we're able to express ourselves, but for someone with autism, especially the level he has, that's not an option for him. and here he can do that. >> reporter: here is oakland's creative growth. a nonprofit art center for the disabled. a free program for people with all levels of talent. given a chance to express themselves in a world where that isn't always easy. >> they've been seen as being outsiders of society. if you bring somebody no a context and say really tell me about your life, your story and
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they do it through art, it's amazing what opens up. >> this is my paintings. >> okay. >> reporter: william scott's work is also in the collections of top museums. >> i taught myself how to paint. >> reporter: yeah. >> i taught myself. >> he has a really beautiful soul and wants to change the world. >> reporter: in many ways, his art has changed his reality. a man with autism who doctors said had little chance to ever make a living. >> how much would this sell for? >> this would probably be about a $4,000 painting. >> reporter: wow. artists here are offered half the sale price. the rest go back to the brushes, fabric and paint they use. but many like dan and kara miller choose to have all proceeds go to creative growth. >> this is a god send. this place is i think very important to him and his happiness. and i'm just so happy that he's here. >> i think about what would it be like for him if he didn't come to creative growth? he would probably be somewhere watching tv or sitting in a room by himself and what a lost life
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that would be and what a missed opportunity. >> reporter: not just for dan miller, but for all of us. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, oakland. >> remarkable talent. >> really beautiful to see that. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri to talk about our forecast that might be changing. >> definitely. painting a little bit of a wetter weather picture in the seven-day forecast today. we had warm temperatures but not quite as hot as yesterday. we did have those 80s in the south bay. 77 in san jose and santa teresa. and where it was the warmest in the south bay is also where we're having the toughest time for temperatures to cool off. cooler weather to the north. live hd sky cam in san francisco looking toward the bay bridge and the bay lights display going on for about the next two years. pretty spectacular if you go right down and look up at the bridge, you can get some pretty cool shots. now what we have happening here on the satellite loop is the cold front for tonight, dry for
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us, snow/rainfall for this. will continue to push off to the south. a weak area of high pressure will build in the next couple days and that will be good for mild weather as you head throughout friday, saturday and sunday. looks as if we're going to be out of the 80-degree category of weather like we enjoyed wednesday. still 50s and 60s at the coastline and back to the interior valleys. mainly 60s and 70s and by the back half of your weekend that's when temperatures will starting to down. for tomorrow morning, we'll start with 44 at santa rosa, 43 in san rafael. 47 in san jose and areas of fog likely at the immediate coastlines at north bay and also the pens rah la. but here's the good part. by tomorrow afternoon, most of the forecast models clearing us out a lot more than we had for today. so do expect more sunshine for your friday afternoon. we go up to 72 in san jose. 72 at los gatos. there you go. not as hot as it was for the midweek forecast. about you but still enjoyable. above average.
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75 in walnut creek. 73 in dublin and 75 in livermore. san francisco will stay at 68. 73 in santa rosa and definitely need the layers from santa rosa to the coastline. just 58 and 61 in half moon bay. up to the sierra, yes, you need a jacket but don't have to worry about snowfall slickening up the roadways. temperatures in the upper 50s friday and mid 50s saturday. looking at a snow base in alpine meadows of 55 inches with packed powder and also groom surface on that toyota tahoe ski report. saturday and sunday, temperatures go down just a bit. stay dry and then start to introduce the chance of rainfall by next week. much welcome news for us after a very dry 2013. and the forecast models continue to argue about next wednesday, a little bit. but at best, we're looking at a quarter inch of rainfall. it's not a whole lot. if you're visiting here, a
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quarter inch for us lately is a whole lot of rainfall. >> monsoonal. >> compared to what we haven't had, definitely. >> thanks, jeff. before they were famous, they got their start in san jose. now you can live where the giants played? believe it or not, that's next. ♪
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chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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you ready for this? here's your chance to live with the future san francisco giant superstar. the san jose giants are looking for host families. before players like pablo sandoval and buster posey were superstars, you guessed it, they lived quietly with host families for free. from april through september, the players live with you and maybe even eat with you. right there at the dinner table. we're serious here. contact the san jose giants if you're interested. >> remember when they went to the world series? some of the families got to go to the game. >> great program. we go to the comcast sports net newsroom. the color of the evening is teal. >> yeah, team teal. the sharks hosting the defending
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champs at the tank tonight in san jose. could team teal after a four-game win streak help their head coach hit a very historic record? we'll tell you, next in sports.
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ahmed fareed here. the sharks have been in a tailspin lately, struggling to pick up wins and score goals. but perhaps all they needed was a meeting with the defending stanley cup champions. kings and sharks, san jose two points behind l.a. in the west. early first, no score. denied his own rebound, and finishes. 1-0 sharks. after that, we fast forward to the third. sharks up 3-1. logan couture puts it away. the sharks hang on to win 4-3. brody, wear a worst necktie if
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you're doing that. looking forward to that tomorrow. usa versus the dominican republic. first meeting for the two teams. tied at 1. aybar and nelson cruz comes in. a 2-1 lead. a couple batters later, jose reyes bringing home another one. usa down 3-1. could they come back? bottom ninth, rodney trying to close it out. he does just that. dominican republic wins 3-1, punching their ticket to the semis in san francisco. usa plays puerto rico friday with the winner of that game advancing. this is a good one. mike montgomery, way back in 1984 in montana. the pac-12 tourney. cal against utah. under 25 seconds left. cal up three. loveridge goes up. hits the first two. the last one to tie. he missed it.
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so after two free throws on the other end, utah got this one to overtime. jerryd dubois, he got it. loverich, 20 on the night and utah up four, not good for cal. washburn from the top of the key. he had 18. the youth knocking off cal. so, montgomery, have the bears done enough? they're out of the pac-12 tournament. can they make the ncaa tournament now? >> well, i'll give my stock answer as if my opinion means anything to anybody. the answer to your question is yes. >> short and sweet for mike montgomery. we'll have anxious teams come select sunday. but jessica and raj, i think cal should be safe. they had a pretty good year. >> you know what's interesting, super bowl and spring training, we rarely get to see him in
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stud studio. >> it's a treat tonight. >> third day here. >> thank you, ahmed. >> we'll be right back.
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oh, my. they seem to have everything at walmart. but how about this? the walmart in middleton, new york. a woman went into labor in the pharmacy aisle, aisle 7, we believe. customers called 911, but the baby just could not wait. it took only ten minutes for the newborn to arrive. paramedics showed up just after the baby was born. we don't know yet if it was a boy or girl but we are told that both the baby and mom are in good condition. >> and should be getting a big, big gift card. >> from walmart. >> from walmart. >> i love the lady's reaction on the side of the screen, like, oh, my gosh, there's a baby on aisle 5. before we leave, we want to say our colleague here, jessica aguirre, is on twitter. >> finally.
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>> as soon as she learns how she'll begin tomorrow morning. >> jessicaaguirre. look for it.
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- james franco, jay mohr, and the music of owl city and yuna. and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ]
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you very much. thank you. welcome to "the tonight show." [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. well, as you know, we have a a new pope. he is pope francis from argentina. and here's what we know about him. he is a 76-year-old man with only one lung. you know, this could be just the burst of youth and vitality the catholic church needs to get -- [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] no, did you know that?
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this is true. the new pope had part of a lung removed when he was a teenager. god, i knew those catholic school nuns were really mean, but i had no idea. [ laughter ] what could he have done? >> rickey: yeah. >> jay: it was wild at the vatican yesterday. did you see it? oh my -- they were partying like it was 1299. it was unbelievable. [ laughter ] let me ask you something, i -- is it me or is the whole papal ceremony getting too commercialized? did you think? like i saw something yesterday -- show that. >> they are getting ready to unfurl -- >> it's beautiful papal banner. >> yes, the papal banner. [ laughter ] >> cool ranch doritos loco tacos. now at taco bell. vive mas. [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: yeah. well, here is some good pope trivia. you know, pope francis, he was the runner up to pope benedict in the last election. did you know that? he came in secd.


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